IC 5146
Cocoon Nebula in Cygnus

10.1″ f/4.5, Mallincam DS432cTEC with 0.5 focal reducer and Astronomik UHC filter
Exposure = 5-13-20 sec, Live Stacked frames = 20-25-30 (75 total), Gain = 70 of 250

Also known as Caldwell 19 and the Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146 is an emission and reflection nebula about 15 light years across and 2500 light years away. The shape of the nebula along with the dark lanes and patches cutting across its face have drawn comparisons to another more famous emission/reflection nebula, the Trifid. Perhaps one of the most notable aspects of the Cocoon is how it is encircled by a darker nebula, Barnard 168, which appears to also flow westward (up) in this view and is evident by the significant lack of stars. Barnard 168 makes it look like the Cocoon is enveloped in a dark tear-drop.

North at 10 o’clock, East at 7 o’clock