M31, M32, and M110
Andromeda Galaxy and satellite galaxies

80mm f/5, Mallincam DS432cTEC with 0.5 focal reducer and Astronomik UHC filter
Exposure = 20-40-80 sec, Live Stacked frames = 10-10-10 (30 total), Gain = 60 of 250

A wide-angle view of M31 that includes satellite galaxies M32 (appears as a fuzzy pale-yellow bright star below-right of M31 core) and M110 (above M31). Two distinct dark dust lanes can be seen above the core of M31 and some clumpy areas with dark patches show up on the left and right outer edges of the spiral. M31 stretches about 2 degrees across in this view, M110 is about 10 arcminutes, and M32 is about 2 arcminutes. M31 and M32 are about 2.5 million light years away, while M110 lies a little further at 2.7 million light years..

North at 10 o’clock, East at 7 o’clock

Andromeda Galaxy

10.1″ f/4.5, Mallincam DS432cTEC with 0.5 focal reducer
Exposure = 25 sec, Live Stacked frames = 5, Gain = 10 of 250

A minimal number of exposures produced a great result here. Tighter shot of M31’s core plus M32 at the top of the frame. Beautiful subtle details in the two dark dust lanes at the front and around the core. This image is rotated 180 degrees in orientation from the first image.

North at 5 o’clock, East at 2 o’clock