Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula

10.1″ f/4.5, Mallincam DS432cTEC
Exposure = 15 sec, Live Stacked frames = 15-15-15 (45 total), Whitepoints = 255-220-180, Gain = 10 of 250

M27 is an impressive planetary nebula at almost any level of magnification, roughly 7 arcminutes across. Two distinct lobes in the North-East and South-West directions have distinctly reddish tinges on the edges, with the SW one being brighter overall. The disk appears slightly oblong along the north-south axis. The SE and NW hollower areas have softer edges that bleed-off into the background stars more gradually with filamentary shapes within them. Lots of intricate knotty detail is visible in red and cyan colours within the core of the nebula, details that are not visible through the eyepiece. The magnitude 14 white dwarf central star can be seen here too. M27 is 1360 light years away and about one and a half light years across.

North at 10 o’clock, East at 7 o’clock